Friday, November 24, 2017

Nuptials On The Beach Include A Drone Wedding Video Florida Keys

By Barbara Young

For those intending to marry this Spring, we salute you. Since you both insist on carrying through with this psychotic plan of marital bliss, babies, and early bedtimes, you might consider having this ritualized suicide mission performed on a beach of white sand. You should most definitely choose the package that includes the drone wedding video Florida Keys.

Of course, you can get your cousin Leonard to fly his homemade neighbor spy cam for free. There are likely to be entertaining snippets left between frames of your rainy day nuptials that include Mrs. Jones and her pool boy. If cousin Leonard is REALLY careless, he might even leave footage of the party he held at that pool after the two of them ran off from Mr. Jones, taking the maid and his bank account with them.

Just a warning, the brother of bestie is probably going to start drinking around 9:00 AM, so the Millennium Falcon might shake the camera a good bit, causing sea sickness to any future viewers of this footage. Oh, and the quality of the production equipment and software could be sketchy, making it extremely likely to degrade into distorted pixelation as the years go by. Still, you saved a buck, and that is what matters, right.

We do not recommend continuing with the marriage plans, and we must strongly advise against creating any newly spoiled and ungrateful children in this union. However, since you are insistent in this madness, we will be here with you, on this beach, working to ensure that your day is perfect.

Unless your cousin Leonard is an ordained Minister, the couple just might still need help finding the right person of God to read from The Book. It is true that we actually do sit in our own little corner of the Bible Belt. However, if you were to compare us to Georgia and Alabama you would find we have a shortage of qualified do-gooders that are not already on our staff.

Blushing brides always want everyone to be present on their special day. Unless the parents own AirTran and Hilton stock, the cost of this travel often falls to the guests. However, should the happy couple be willing and able to work with us in advance, we have travel and board packages that help to lessen the burden of cost.

The rain does not fall mainly in the plain because it falls mainly at the Panhandle during certain times of the year. However, our licensed, trained, bonded, insured, and experienced drone pilot with a degree in photography will be ready. They will use great haste in ordering lesser-paid workers to erect the most elegant enclosure that ever kept a beach wedding on the menu.

The bride, groom, and pastor will all be wired to ensure that, when they take their vows it is audible enough that neither can deny what they said years later. The sound of the aircraft will not be audible to anyone on the beach, or in the enclosure. Every moment will be caught from a variety of angles, with footage of the attendees cut in to tell the story of their special day.

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